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Custom Website Landing Pages

Why Use Custom Landing Pages?


Convert Clicks to Customers!   Landing pages used in conjunction with your advertising campaigns allow you to display content and pictures that are specific to your pay-per-click ads. Customers are more likely to stay at your Website to browse or purchase if they see information that directly reflects the product, service, or information they read in your ads.

Increase the Efficiency and Performance of your Paid Advertising Campaigns. Search engines determine if the content on your landing page is relevant to the copy in your ad. This relevancy is then used, in part, to determine the bid cost for particular keywords and the position of your ad on the search results page.

Increase Return On Investment (ROI) Customers will be more likely to convert if the page they land on reflects the same, clear “call to action” as the ad copy or link they clicked on in the search results. Better clicks and higher conversions will give you a higher quality score, hence a higher ROI for your ads and more opportunity to have the visitor convert.

Decrease Your Bounce Rate  Bounce rate is the time a visitor spends on a Website when coming from another destination on the Internet, such as a search engine. If customers leave immediately after clicking on your ad, the bounce rate will be high and you will lose potential conversions. - (*in part from Network Solutions 2010)

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